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Le Grand Macabre, Teatro Massimo di Palermo
"Here the evil Nektrozar, played by a sensational Zachary Altman, bursts into the city prophesying the final apocalypse to a series of [irredeemable] characters ...
     - L'ape Musicale (Italy)
"Bringing quickly the macabre, the Mephistophelian protagonist Zachary Altman, an electric bass-baritone and rhythmically infallible Nekrotzar, in full acting mode being diabolical, assured, and tempted by the Bacchian control of Dan Karlstrom's Piet the Pot ...
     - Press Reader
"Le Grand Macabre is an opera that is incredibly difficult to perform ... Nektotzar is the character with the most difficult part, and bass-baritone Zachary Altman resolved with complete assurance.
Le prophète, Bard Summerscape
"As the villainous Count Oberthal, Zachary Altman wielded the kind of sinew that is ideally suited to evil characters, and he revelled in giving an appropriately spidery portrayal."
     - Opera Magazine
"Zachary Altman was rich voiced and appropriately despicable as Oberthal."
Das Wunder der Heliane, Nederlandse Reisoper
"Zachary Altman as Der Pförtner with his impressive bass-baritone is making his debut at the Reisopera, but is certainly welcome to return in a larger role .."
      - www-sanderboonstra-nl
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, Opera Vlaanderen
"Zachary Altman embodies a perfect Moses ..."
      - Emmanuel Andrieu, Opera Online
A Midsummer's Night Dream, Malmö Opera 
"This sextet brings life and zest to every measured second on the stage floor [and] baritone Zachary Altman sounds enjoyable as Nick Bottom.."
      - Åsa Mälhammar, www-tidskriftenopera-se
"Of the craftsmen, Bottom, Zachary Altman, stands out"
      - Lennart Bromander, Afton Blade
Don Giovanni, Virginia Opera
"Zachary Altman as Leporello delivers a star turn, with a powerful baritone encased in a well-rounded tone. His comedic acting and mugging, borrowing, perhaps, from dim-witted Joey from “Friends,” is a continual delight."
     - Andy Garrigue, Richmond Times-Dispatch
"As the gentleman's servant, Leporello, Zachary Altman was almost too charismatic for the lesser role. One wonders how he would portray the Don. His performance of the song about his list of Don Giovanni's conquests ("In Spain already 1,003") was a highlight of the evening. Amid the comic touches, Altman shows that Leporello is not merely basking in the secondhand glory of his master, but hoping that a splash of cold truth will bring Donna Elvira to her senses."
     - Dan Duke, The Virginian-Pilot
"Bass-baritone Zachary Altman exhibits a lovely voice as Leporello, especially during the “Catalog Aria,” listing Giovanni’s many lovers from around the world. The aria is spirited in his voice and its humorous lines get many laughs from the audience. Altman is a superb singer".
     - Rebecca Evans,
Der Kreidekreis (La cercle de Craie), Opéra de Lyon
"Zachary Altman's warm, sweet tone as Tschao, Yü-Pei's accomplice, would almost lead to us forgiving him (which he does not deserve) "​
"Le timbre chaud et doux prêté par Zachary Altman à Tschao, le complice de Yü-Pei, nous amènerait presque à lui trouver des excuses (qu’il ne mérite aucunement)".
     - Sophie Bourdais, Télé
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Teatro Massimo di Palermo
"Amusing and profound at the same time is the Bottom of Zachary Altman."
"Divertente e profondo allo stesso tempo il Bottom di  Zachary Altman."
     - Monika Prusak, Il corriere musicale
"Continuing with the male voices is the excellent Bottom of Zachary Altman, amused and incredulous in the grotesque transformation into ass, tender and almost pathetic in the duet with Tytania." :
"Continuando con le voci maschili è ottimo il Bottom di Zachary Altman, divertito ed incredulo nella grottesca trasformazione in asino, tenero e quasi patetico nel duetto con Tytania."
     - Caterina de Simone,
Lulu, Teatro dell'Opera di Roma
"Zachary Altman unleashes secure and stentorian singing for the characters of the Animal Trainer and the Athlete; His bald and youthful appearance, sizzling acting and security on the stage make the rest." :
"Zachary Altman sfodera un canto sicuro e stentoreo per i personaggi del Domatore e dell'Atleta; il suo aspetto baldo e giovanile, la recitazione sbruffonesca e la sicurezza nel calcare il palcoscenico fanno il resto.
     - Michelangelo Pecoraro,
"The other interpreters do not demerit either. Jennifer Larmore is great in the role of Countess Geschwitz and Zachary Altman offers a high-level performance for the character of the athlete that he has already performed this year at the Staatsoper Hamburg."   :
"Les autres interprètes ne déméritent pas non plus. Jennifer Larmore est grandiose dans le rôle de la Comtesse Geschwitz et Zachary Altman nous offre une performance de haute volée pour le personnage de l’Athlète qu’il a déjà interprété cette année au Staatsoper d’Hambourg."
     - Emma Granier,
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Teatro Ponchielli Cremona e Teatro Grande
"Zachary Altman's Bottom stands out among the populace, and it could not be any other way: beautiful, authoritative vocals, having that very rude characterization of the weaver that is mutated in a donkey, but without making it smack you, rather giving a smiling image of instinctive manhood, a little vainglorious, but genuine.":
"Fra i popolani spicca, né potrebbe essere altrimenti, il Bottom di Zachary Altman: bella vocalità autorevole, con quel tanto di rude che serve a caratterizzare il tessitore mutato in asino senza farne una macchietta, bensì un'immagine sorridente di una virilità istintiva, un po' vanagloriosa, ma genuina."
      - Roberta Pedrotti, L'Ape musicale​
"Zachary Altman, as Bottom, is undoubtedly the star of the evening. The ductility of his voice ensures that he can make the character's shades with precision, good sound control and remarkable phrasing complete his performance."
"Zachary Altman, nei panni di Bottom, è indubbiamente la stella della serata. La duttilità della sua voce gli garantisce di poter rendere le sfumature del personaggio con precisione,  un buon controllo dell’emissione e un notevole fraseggio completano la sua performance."
     -  Annunziato Gentiluomo,
Albert Herring, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
" ... while the baritone Zachary Altman offered some fine lyrical phrasing as the vicar Mr Gedge."
     - Stephen Hastings, Opera News
"del parroco Gedge (Zachary Altman, abile nel giocare fra le virtù del buon curato di campagna, le debolezze e i vizi dell'uomo)" :
"of the Vicar Mr. Gedge (Zachary Altman, skilled at playing between the virtues of a good country priest, the weaknesses and vices of man)"
   - Roberta Pedrotti, L'ape Musicale
The Rape of Lucretia, Theater Basel

"Dem homogenen Damenensemble stand ein gewichtiges Männerterzett gegenüber: Zachary Altman als drängender Tarquinius mit hellem, klarem Bariton ..." :

"The homogeneous Women's Ensemble faced a weighty Men Trio: Zachary Altman as urgent Tarquinius with bright, clear baritone ... "

    - Jenny Berg, Baseler Zeitung

Lucrezia Borgia, Caramoor Festival
"The three Caramoor Bel Canto Young Artists who played the murderous henchmen of the ducal couple were all first-rate ... baritone Zachary Altman, (Astolfo) suave and insinuating ..."

    - Fred Cohn, Opera News

The Pearl Fishers, Opera San Jose

"[Zachary] Altman’s resonant baritone ... flowered into base hits, then home runs, as his character developed; Zurga is the opera’s most complex."

    - Scott Macclelland, San Francisco Classical Voice (

"Bravo to Opera San José for mounting a pretty good, occasionally great, production of this gem. The “great” refers to the choruses - and especially refers to baritone Zachary Altman, who is not only the best-looking but best sounding thing on the stage. Altman is a commanding presence as Zurga ...  Altman’s delivery of ["L'orage c'est calm"] was splendid."

    - Suzanne Weiss,

"Orientale" Gotham Chamber Opera

"Schumann's "Aus den Östlichen Rosen" [was] warmly sung by baritone Zachary Altman with [Neal] Goren at the piano."

    - Steve Smith, The New York Times

Die Fledermaus, Opera San Jose

"Singing with mellifluous command is resident baritone Zachary Altman as ​Dr. Falke, the elegantly obsequious and manipulative fellow who sets the story in motion."

    - Richard Scheinin, San Jose Mercury News

Gianni Schicchi, Opera San Jose


"Gianni Schicchi, the brains behind the scheme, was wickedly portrayed by baritone Zachary Altman, who sang with burnished, gale-force glee."

    - Richard Scheinin, San Jose Mercury News


Il Trovatore, Opera San Jose


"Altman['s] phrasing and finesse were notable ... he made significant impact."

    - Jason Victor Serinus, Opera News

Falstaff, Opera San Jose
"Resident Artist baritone Zachary Altman (as Ford, the jealous husband) sang with elegance and conviction."

    - Richard Scheinin, San Jose Mercury News

Madame Butterfly, Opera San Jose
"The fourth member of the resident company, baritone Zachary Altman, grew increasingly sympathetic as a character, even though he looked far too young to play American consul Sharpless. The beauty of his voice won many an audience member over ..."

    - Jason Victor Serinus, San Francisco Classical Voice

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